Do you know who is your Daddy?

Do you really know who is your Daddy?

We need to know His character. Our Heavenly Father is a good good Father.

The attributes of God….He is loving, compassionate, giving, faithful, merciful, strong, forgiving, good, righteous, caring, sovereign, sherpherd, ever-present, refuge, gracious, healer, powerful and helper.

Sometimes we have unrealistic expectations of who our Dad is. We might have to reset our expectations. That doesn’t mean our Father has let us down or doesn’t love us. Sometimes He doesn’t answer as we expected.

Whoever said our way was the right way, God knows best for us.

Refer to the Lord’s prayer. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. That doesn’t mean my will.

We need to have a childlike faith and release it to God.

And always remeber who your Daddy is!
