

On Demand


Our  service will be streamed live online on our Livestream platform (see link below), YouTube & Facebook. This service will then be available for you to watch on demand at any time via our YouTube channel (see below)


 Our online services have been a great option, and many people have continued to engage with church in this way. Can we strongly encourage you to participate in our online services during this time, especially if you are in an at-risk health category.

We so appreciate your flexibility over the past few months as we have navigated this challenging season. The great sense of faith and expectation that we’ve witnessed has been so encouraging. We are incredibly grateful for each and every one of you – especially our volunteers who have carried an incredible load in getting our services back onsite and also online!


We look forward to seeing you either onsite or online in December.

Our  LiveStream Platform – CLICK HERE

View our Entire Channel